Mona Goodarzi DDS - The Facts About Dermal Fillers Blog

The Facts About Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are becoming an increasingly popular cost effective treatment for those looking to restore a naturally youthful appearance.

At Mona Goodarzi DDS in Irvine, California, we find that many patients are confused by the amount of misleading information circulating the internet regarding the outcomes of dermal filler treatment.  We understand that deciding to make cosmetic enhancements to your body is a very personal and individualised process and as such, knowing the facts about this treatment is a necessity.

Below is a list of the most popular myths we have dunked for you to help you make an informed decision when it comes dermal filler treatment. During your initial consultation, Dr Mona Goodarzi will further explain each and every aspect of your dermal filler treatment to ensure you are aware of the realistic results we can achieve for you.

Myth # 1 Botox and Dermal Fillers work the same. 

A complete myth! Dermal fillers are injected into the face and fill wrinkles and creases with a substance to eliminate their appearance.  Botox, on the other hand, is injected into the muscle causing paralyses of wrinkles to eliminate their appearance. Dermal fillers are used to bring the volume and fullness back in the areas of the face such as lips, cheeks and the chin. They are a fast, effective and safe way to restore youthful plumpness to your face features and creases. Dermal fillers have been called liquid facelifts because they offer many of the benefits of a surgical facelift without the downtime.

Myth # 2 Lip injections from dermal filler causes ‘trout pout’

Many Hollywood celebrities have over treated their lips, which has led to the trout pout.  If you attend an experienced practitioner who understands that “less is more”, then subtle lip enhancement procedures can produce very natural results. During your consultation at Mona Goodarzi, we can assess the aesthetics of your face and discuss the recommended treatment doses to ensure a natural looking outcome.

Myth # 3 Cheek injections results in ‘pillow face’

It is true that over correction with too much filler can result in an overly plumped out face. Again, we can look to such celebs as Madonna or Lindsay Lohan who have clearly gone overboard with excessive dermal filler in their cheeks. This is why it is imperative to keep in mind the symmetry of your face and the proportions to ensure a natural looking appearance. When these treatments are carried out by a properly trained practitioner with an astute eye, these outcomes can be avoided.  As a general rule, it is best to under treat and add more product at a later date.

Myth # 4 – Dermal filler injections are irreversible

Treatment may only last around six months, although it can last longer depending on the area injected and your skin type.

Myth # 5 – Dermal Fillers are painful

Dermal fillers can be injected with the use of anaesthesia to ensure patient comfort.  If you desire, our caring and compassionate staff can apply numbing cream, or local anaesthesia may be used to alleviate any pain or discomfort you may experience. You may experience some minor redness; however, this usually resolves within 24 – 48 hours and you can go home or straight back to work immediately after your treatment.

Restore a youthful plumpness to your skin and enhance your facial features with injectable fillers…

At Mona Goodarzi DDS in Irvine, California, our certified dermatologist offers a range of fillers including Restylane®, JUVÉDERM®, and RADIESSE®. Injectable fillers have a range of applications, and can be utilized to:

  • Treat wrinkles
  • Restore lost facial volume
  • Reduce the appearance of facial folds and creases
  • Enhance the fullness of lips and cheeks

To discover more about injectable fillers, or to arrange an appointment at our dental practice located in Irvine, please contact us.