Depending on your individual smile, lifestyle and budget, Dr. Goodarzi can utilize bonding or porcelain veneers to totally transform the appearance of your smile.
Porcelain veneers are considered the gold standard in cosmetic dental treatments, and can be color matched to mimic the exact shade and translucency of your natural tooth enamel. The great thing about this cosmetic dental treatment is that it is highly resistant to future staining and with good care should last for more than a decade.
Meet Dr. Goodarzi, a highly-trained and experienced Irvine dentist, provides comfortable, quality and excellent dental care.
Meet Dr. Goodarzi, a highly-trained and experienced Irvine dentist, provides comfortable, quality and excellent dental care.
Irvine Dentist CA – Dr. Goodarzi is a dentist in Irvine experienced in general, restorative and cosmetic dentistry and can treat your dental needs.