Restorative Dentistry
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Restorative Dentistry
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- Restorative Dentistry
Restorative Dental Care
Repair your smile and your self-confidence with the help of restorative dental treatment at our dental practice located in Irvine!
Damage, decay and tooth loss can have a dramatic impact on the health and appearance of your smile. At Dr. Goodarzi’s practice we remain on the forefront of the latest restorative dental treatments to repair our patient’s smiles in the most effective manner:
Tooth Colored Restorations
With the new advancements in dentistry, tooth colored restorations are now durable, versatile and naturally beautiful.
Root Canal Therapy
If the nerve tissue (or pulp) of your tooth has become infected you may require root canal therapy.
Dental Implants
Experience the most advanced restorative dental treatment to date at our Dental Practice.
If you require a denture restoration we have many restorative options available at our dental practice located in Irvine.
Meet Dr. Goodarzi

Schedule Your Dental Visit
Meet Dr. Goodarzi, a highly-trained and experienced Irvine dentist, provides comfortable, quality and excellent dental care.
Meet Dr. Goodarzi
Schedule Your Dental Visit
Meet Dr. Goodarzi, a highly-trained and experienced Irvine dentist, provides comfortable, quality and excellent dental care.